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Our Mottos

At SHAWO, we have deliberately adopted the following mottos:
"Alone, we go faster. Together, we go further. » 

African proverb

"Everything is CONNECTED, so we are doomed to UNITE or PERISH together."

Martin Luther King, Jr

"You don't solve problems with the same mindset that created them."

A. Einstein

Our Vision

It consists, based on new paradigms, of:
• Change our mentality for the better

• Turning us into tools for change

• Adapting to the new civilization (post-capitalist, post-industrial)

Our Mission

a) It is first because Haiti, this parcel of land, is invested with a universal mission, which began in 1503 and continued in 1804. For failing to measure the spiritual and universal significance of this mission, most of our leaders have
made a very poor management of the legacy of 1804, which has earned us the setbacks of our history as a people.

b) In this mission, moreover, our Reason for Action is resolutely committed to ensuring that Haiti once again becomes a flagship country in the world to come.

Our objectives

SHAWO members are resolutely oriented towards the achievement of the following OBJECTIVES:
• Promoting a culture based on Living and Acting Together through meetings and radio and television broadcasts, face-to-face or videoconference.

• Offering, within the framework of a partnership, technical and administrative services to school and vocational education centers that request it, enabling them to create and manage Non-Formal Education Centers (CENF) for reading
and hearing.

• Offering scholarships for qualified young people, without falling into elitism,
and facing difficulties in continuing their studies.

• Distributing excellence awards to students and professionals who have had a
remarkable track record and service in their respective spheres of activity.

Our Contributions

The following summarizes the range of the main advantages offered by SHAWO to its Members in a logic of Win-Win relations:
• Social networking opportunities.
• Professional and educational development.
• Scholarships and training courses offered through its partnerships.
• Opportunities for advice and education, particularly in the field of health (using the modern and so-called natural approaches).
• Free access to the archives of the Organization and its partners, including CIDIHCA (Centre International de Documentation et d'Information Haïtienne et Canado Africaine).
• Free or discounted participation in cultural and educational activities (talks, seminars, conferences, symposia, etc.) that are likely to transform their community.
• Access to all the Organization's resources including: its Website, its Workspaces, etc.).

Our expectations

By joining OSHAM the member is taking a fundamental step by adopting and applying the following principles:

• Helping improve individual life while presenting patterns to facilitate collective well-being.
• Maintaining the balance and capacity of Living and Acting Together.
• Working to reduce social imbalances.
• Promoting new types of relationships between individuals themselves and among members of their communities.
• Proposing solutions to resolve conflicts without violence.
• Establishing relations of mutual aid, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence.
• Raising awareness of the issue of environmental degradation and climate change, natural disasters, water stress, food insecurity, demographic population,
through advocacy with decision-makers and officials from all sectors.

Join us.

It is based on this vision, this mission, and around these values that you are invited to join OSHAM, to promote its visibility, development, and enrichment.
Copyright © 2023 Saving Haiti Saving The World. SHAWO